
Saturday, 26 December 2009

Stuck in between?

Suddenly feel like writing at 4 am in the morning~

How does it feels like if you're stuck in between two important things and you have to choose one?

How does it feels like if you're stuck between the old one and the new one and you have no choice but to choose one?

How does it feels like if you're stuck between two people that you love and yet you need to choose one of them?

How does it feel like if you're stuck between two careers that you dream to be and yet you need to go with only one of them?

How does it feel like if you're stuck between your love one and your family?

How does it feel like if you're stuck between two things which are very important to you?

In our life, we always get stuck in between a lot of things and yet we need to do a lot of decisions which may hurt a lot of people and may gain more rivals who hate you just because of your decisions. Well it seems that this type of dilemma will never end in our life. Even the first thing we do before going out from house which is to choose which clothes to wear may make us to be stuck in between the decisions to be made. How to make a good decision? How to say yes to one side and no to one side without hurting any of them? It seems very impossible.

What I can see is lots of people are always in dilemma to do a lot of decision for themselves. Allah, please guide me to do the best decision for myself and for the people around me since I can't avoid myself from doing a decision if I'm stuck between two things. I don't mean to hurt people around me but when it comes in doing a decision, sometimes one side is going to be hurt.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Between yourself,love,family and marriage

Assalamualaikum dear readers.

I m writing again now at 3:55am in the morning after hours of studying microbiology.
Actually there's something that I would like to share with all of you today. It might be or might not be interesting. It depends on how you look at it.

During the holidays I spent sometime watching Malay drama. What I can see and get from that drama is to get a right spouse and to build a marriage is not as easy as what we think. Lots of us when it comes to decide to get a good partner, we'll only think about love. Love between us and him or her. However, how many of us think deeper before doing any decision. What I can see base on my experience, lots of us are blinded by the word LOVE. Yes, Love is blind. It is really blind if we let love control our mind. It should be us who control our love not love to control our life. Yes, it is undeniable love can bring good things too. Some of the people who I know who always failed in examinations can pass their examination when they are in love. However sometimes it is the other way round. Maybe when we failed because of the so called love then we'll realize that love isn't that great for us.

However, the reality is we are always masked by the sweetness of love during the dating phase without thinking of the next phase which is the marriage phase. How do we choose our spouse actually? By looks, intelligence, faith, wealth or sincerity? Yes, your choice may suite yourself, but have you ever think of the people around you, people who you love and people who love you like your family especially your parents. Have you ever thought of their feelings? How will they feel when you are getting married with this certain woman of your choice? Are they happy or satisfied with your choice? Yes it is true that it is you who is going to get married with your partner and not your parents but bare in mind, your life is not all about you and your wife/husband.

Think about it. How is it going to be if your partner shows disrespect to your parents? How is it going to be if your partner being unfair between her family and yours? Will you let all of these ruin your life? Believe me. If all these affect your life, happiness will not always be with you. How and how are you going to solve this problem? I don't know about the others. I have no doubt that I love my parents and family. Yet , I would like to live with the woman that I love. I think all of you will have the same thought on this. How to get this problem solved? I leave it to you. Different people have different point of view and different ways of solving problem. Frankly speaking, I'll let my parents decide and hopefully my own choice of spouse will suite their criteria of their daughter-in-laws. I don't want to get stuck between parents and wife because of disagreement between them. This is something that shouldn't happen because for me it is a minute thing that can be avoid if you know how to deal with it.

Secondly, have you ever tried to think between your career life and love? I mean you are someone who have a bright future and someone who think of having a pleasurable and successful life but all of that have to be forgotten because of love. Trust me love can stop you from doing a lot of thing. An unhappy marriage can ruin you career although you are a great man or woman. So, how to settle this problem? Am I thinking too far or too much? I don't think so. Why do I say so? It's because I have seen it before. A lot of marriages are spoilt by money and wealth. Think of it my dear readers.

I think I have to stop now. I need to get on with my study. Thank you for reading my small piece of mind.


Friday, 27 November 2009

Eidul Adha

Dear readers, I have not been writing since Aidilfitri. I have been quite busy with my class. It's 3rd academic year in the Faculty of Medicine which means it's going to be the so called "killer" year out of the 6 years course. Hopefully I'll go through this year with success.

Today is Aidiladha, this is my 3rd Aidiladha away from my beloved family. I am writing at 12:48 am in Egypt. I'll be heading to Wisma Yayasan Sabah Kaherah at 6 am to perform my Eid prayers there. This will be my first time heading to WYSK from somewhere else since I have move out from that place. They'll be slaughtering 2 cows ,2 sheep and 9 goats after the prayer. This can be consider as a history in for Sabah students according to our officer in charge here. This is because we never had this number of goats and cows before. Thanks to those who are willing to sacrifice here in Egypt. Thanks to the students, family members from Malaysia and also Datuk Masidi Manjun and Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam who sponsored the sacrifice here.

Hopefully this Eid will always remind us of the story behind it. Ask yourself, how are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah? We have been saying about fighting in the road of Allah to get His blessings but how many of us are willing to sacrifice. Sorry to say most of the people are just good in words. They wear and look like they are a really holly man but behind us they do lots of things such as talking bad things about you. These aren't the ways Rasululullah taught us to practice Islam. Useless to wear clothes that shows you are holly but in the end you telling people and making bad stories about other Muslim just because you don't like him. For me don't judge a book by its cover. You never know how people is by just looking at their attire.

Happy Eid and see u again

Friday, 18 September 2009

Hari Raya Ini

Hari Raya ini mengingatkan penulis tentang banyak perkara.
Kenangan dari penulis kecil dulu sehingga sekarang. Terlalu banyak kenangan. Kenangan manis, pahit, masin, tawar pun ada juga. Namun apa yang selalu mengingatkan penulis ketika muncul raya ialah kesyukuran. Penulis bersyukur mempunyai ibu bapa yang kalau saya mahu katakan tidak malu dan tidak segan saya mahu katakan penulis mempunyai ibu bapa tahap 6 bintang,7 bintang dan berbintang-bintang.

Sebagai anak terlalu banyak dosa saya kepada mereka berbanding kegembiraan yang saya beri kepada mereka. Kalau mau cerita satu per satu memang tidak cukup ruang. Dengan membawa saya ke dunia ini mereka sudah cukup berjasa. Saya amat bertuah kerana dibesarkan dalam keadaan yang baik dan diberikan didikan yang mencukupi. Tanpa mereka tidak akan saya mampu berdiri sehingga hari ini dalam keadaan sebegini. Berapa banyak titisan air mata mereka mengalir kerana saya. Maafkan saya dosa saya. Ibu bapa saya pernah susah suatu masa dahulu, namun mereka masih ingin berikan terbaik kepada saya. Saya di sini ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada mereka. Tidak apa yang aku pinta, cuma kemaafan daripada mereka. Hari Raya ini menandakan saya akan berjauhan lagi dgn ibu bapa tercinta tak lama lagi.

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Mudah Lupa

Nampaknya ramai di antara kita yang leka bahawa kita semakin hari semakin dipijak kepalanya.
Bangsa dan agama kita semakin dicabar dan diperlekeh. Namun perlukah kita salahkan pihak lawan kita? Atau kita perlu bermuhasabah diri dan meneliti sekiranya ada perkara yang kita terlupa dan terleka sehingga kita diperlakukan sedemikian rupa?

Pada pendapat penulis, tiada siapa yang perlu disalahkan, tetapi diri kita sendiri perlu disalahkan. Orang kita sendiri tidak mahu bersatu dan tidak mahu berusaha untuk bersaing dengan bangsa lain. Penulis sendiri berasa sedih melihat keadaan tersebut kerana penulis dibesarkan dalam keadaan berbilang kaum dan penulis dapat merasa betapa kita diperkecilkan oleh bangsa lain. Perjuangan demi perjuangan digerakkan oleh nenek moyang kita satu masa dahulu untuk membantu bangsa kita. Suatu masa dahulu, kita nampak amat stabil, tetapi masa demi berlalu kedudukan kita semakin terhakis dan mungkin satu hari nanti kita akan menjadi pelarian atau peminta sedekah di tanah milik sendiri?

Nampaknya mentaliti kita masih belum berkembang dan masih tidak mahu mengamalkan dasar pandang ke hadapan. Kita masih memikirkan sesuatu untuk jangka masa pendek. Kita mempunyai semangat yang berkobar-kobar untuk bersaing dan berjuang namun teknik dan taktik kita berjuang yang salah telah menjadikan kita seperti badut di sarkas. Namun lucunya dalam kita sendiri masih ada pihak yang menggelar bangsa dan agama kita sendiri badut sarkas. Kalau kita lihat dengan teliti siapa yang men"sarkas"kan diri dan keadaan. Terpulang pada semua untuk menilai. Apakah kita tidak ada cara lain untuk berjuang? Perlukah kekerasan dan ke"samseng"an pada setiap masa untuk membuktikan perjuangan kita? Tidakkah kita sedar setiap kali ada pihak yang mahu "berjuang" , semua bangsa dalam pihak tersebut akan memberikan sokongan penuh namun bila ada tiba masanya untuk turun padang untuk "berjuang" hanya bangsa kita sahaja yang menjadi badut di tengah jalan. Tidakkah benda sedemikian akan lebih memburukkan keadaan dan imej agama kita kepada dunia? Barat mengatakan Islam itu Pengganas? Mahu salahkan Barat? Ya benar mereka salah? Cara melawan? Dengan keganasan? Bukankah itu mengiyakan lagi "keganasan" kita? Lainlah seperti di negara yang seperti Palestin, itu wajib untuk mereka berjuang mempertahankan. Nampaknya dalam konteks negara kita sendiri, kita boleh lihat kita masih lagi tidak matang dalam bersaing dengan bangsa lain setelah 52 tahun merdeka. Bersainglah dengan cara yang sihat, buanglah sikap iri hati sama sendiri, dan dalam setiap perjuangan jangan terlalu mudah puas hati. Perjuangan itu tidak ada penghujungnya.

Melihat kepada kematangan, penulis teringat satu forum yang diadakan di tempat penulis belajar. Ahli panelnya merupakan mahasiswa. Penulis teringat tentang satu ahli panel yang sedang membincangkan tentang menuntut ilmu sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Mereka lantang menyuarakan bahawa perkara ini akan menjatuhkan martabat kerana kita akan lupa mengenai bahasa kita sendiri dan mengapa tidak kita kembali ke Bahasa asal kita ataupun beri peluang untuk belajar ilmu sains dalam Bahasa Arab? Kalau kita lihat dan berfikir secara cetek, mungkin kita akan bersetuju dengan hal tersebut. Namun mari kita lihat, secara mudah ilmu sains yang suatu masa dahulu dikuasai oleh Islam dan telah ditulis dalam Bahasa Arab tetapi telah dicedok oleh golongan Barat dan mereka telah akui itu merupakan hasil mereka? Penulis ingin membawa pembaca untuk sama-sama membuka minda. Apakah golongan Barat ini tidak belajar ilmu sains yang awalnya dalam Bahasa Arab sebelum menguasainya sehingga mereka mencapai tahap dapat menulis bahan untuk ilmu sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris? Apakah dengan suatu masa dahulu mereka belajar dalam Bahasa orang lain telah menyebabkan mereka telah melupakan Bahasa Inggeris mereka? Penulis percaya dan berpendapat bahawa kita sebagai umat Islam perlu memetamoforsiskan diri untuk menguasai pelbagai bahasa agar kita tidak ketinggalan. Kuasai Bahasa Inggeris untuk ilmu-ilmu yang bahannya dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Kuasailah Bahasa Arab untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang bahannya dalam Bahasa Arab. Semua bahasa ada gunanya, tidak lupa juga untuk menguasai Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia kita. Siapa tahu satu hari nanti Bahasa kita pula akan menjadi kuasa besar dalam bidang Bahasa di dunia kerana apabila bangsa kita sudah cukup kuat dan cukup menguasai ilmu tentunya kita mampu untuk mengeluarkan bahan ilmiah "original" dalam Bahasa Melayu. Pada waktu itu, orang akan berkejaran untuk mempelajari Bahasa Melayu kerana amat berguna untuk kegunaan ilmiah. Fikirlah dengan mendalam dan untuk jangka masa panjang. Janganlah kita cepat melatah kerana hal yang diperbesarkan oleh suatu pihak untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. Pengalaman saya sendiri dalam konteks ini semasa bertugas di ward Hospital Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu, semua pelajar perubatan menuntut dalam Bahasa Inggeris, namun apabila berinteraksi dengan pesakit, kami menggunakan Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Cina mahupun Bahasa Dusun. Adakah dengan mempelajari ilmu perubatan dengan bahasa asing selama 6 tahun akan menyebabkan kita lupa dengan bahasa kita sendiri? Tepuk dada dan tanya selera. Kadang-kadang penulis berasa lucu mendengar orang-orang yang berfikiran pendek bersandiwara, bersemangat dan lantang menyuarakan pendapat mereka yang agak "bijak". Berfikir dalam sebelum bersuara kalau tidak status anda yang berpelajaran akan dipertikaikan dan orang akan mengatakan anda bodoh. Maafkan saya menggunakan perkataan tersebut.

Kesimpulannya di sini, untuk menaikkan martabatkan Bangsa dan Agama kita, kita sendiri harus berusaha dan memperbanyak ilmu di dada serta mematangkan diri kita.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Goodbye Female Medical Ward Unit 2 Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Finally, today, the 5th of September 2009 I have finish my elective posting (attachment) in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Three weeks of attachment starting from 18th of August 2009.

It started from the first day where I went there to report duty in the main office. After that I was assigned to Dr. Michelle a hematology specialist. I was actually assigned to medical department. Since I am a new medical student, just going to be in 3rd year, Dr. Michelle decided to put me in the Female Medical Ward Unit 2. It is a general ward where we can see variety of cases.

Basically my first day, I was in the general clinic under Dr. Chu. There, I found it really hard because I was asked a lot of question. Since I didn't do any preparation, I can't really answer his question. He told me to study hard sarcastically. It was the end of my first day.

My 2nd day was even more tough, I introduce myself to Dr Leslie, a MO in the ward. He asked me lots of question and I still can't answer the question much. Again I was asked to study hard. My 3rd day and later on seems getting better. I got lots of question such as what can u learn in the ward as a 2nd year student. I ignored because I know I can learn anything I want there. Besides learning medical stuff, I also learn lots of other things such as the spirit of a doctor, how's doctor's life will be in future and also team spirit.

There I learn to do physical examination which I never learn as a pre-clinical student in my place. Besides, I learn to do lots of things. Blood sampling, abdominal tapping, lumbar puncture , central vein placement and also life saving skill. I also learnt to communicate with patients, I start to learn to understand patient feelings and also started to learn that not all of us are very lucky in this world. Lots of situation in the ward touched my feelings. I am asking myself do I really deserve to be a doctor? My first few days in the ward made me hate to go but as time goes by I started to fall in love with this job. I am sure I really want this job. After keeping this ambition for 17 years, now I can be very sure, I really want to be a doctor. I don't mind being tired after all day round. I don't mind be scolded by the specialist or MOs. It's my passion.

Here, I would like to thank Dr Hanizam Jaafar, specialist in the ward, MOs, Dr Leslie and Dr Wong not to forget my two best friend and also my great teacher, Dr Ho Hee Khen and Dr Chua Seng Hui and also Dr. Syazwan Jeffrey, my senior in High School. Thanks for teaching me a lot of things. I also would like to thank the Sister and Staff Nurses such as Staff Nurse Rosani, Nancy and Zainab for teaching me lots of basic skills. Not to forget student nurses, Nur Izaidah, Azyan, Fauziah, Heneritta, Ivin, Ivonne, Jeaniffer, Hafizah for your help in the ward, I wish you all the best. Jeaniffer I'll always remember how you wrote on the temperatute an BP chart for people who has fever and high BP. You wrote there "Informmed Dr. Wan" funny, I am just a student. It's ok that's what I'll remember for always. What makes me comfortable in the ward is their laughter and warmness. It feels like a family in the ward. To the patients, I pray that you all will get well soon thanks for your cooperation for letting examine all of you. Another funny experience a patient a student from boarding school said " Doctor can you give me MC?" I answered, " I can't, but the HOs can give you one". A lot of funny things. Patient's family member asking me when are they going to be discharge and many more, I also would like to thank a special MA student far away in Kedah for always giving me a lot of informations although she is having exam. I have no doubt that you are much better than me. Thanks Pamela Daine. Wish you all the best.

Last but not least, I will miss Female Medical Unit 2, I hope to see all of you again in future. Please pray for my success. This special experience and memories in the ward will be kept with forever. I'll miss those time there especially when I am back there in Cairo. Adios......

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Story of someone....

Another story of a person I know whom I know very well.

This person was born about 19 years ago in a small place in our country. After a year he was brought to the city of his state. There he was brought up by his parents. His parents was strict and yet loving towards him. Since he was small he always hear a line from his father "study hard, get good results and get scholarship". He asked why? His father answered " I am not a wealthy person." Then he understand that in order to continue his study next time, he needs to struggle hard. One day, when he was 3 years old, he saw a great person in the television. That person was our 4th Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammed. That boy asked his father, "How to be a doctor like him?" His father replied, "You need to study hard. It's not easy even to get into a medical school. Besides you need a lot of money to study medicine."

Since that day onwards, this boy keep a dream to be a doctor. Whenever people asked him about his ambition, he answered that he wants to be a doctor. Some of them gave him support while some of them just smiled. He get his early education in a Kindergarten when he was four. Then he went to a primary school. He wasn't a great student in the early stage. His parents were always upset by his results. Since is always in the 6th and 7th position in class. It was until he went into primary 3 where he made some miracle to get 1st in class. Then, he sat for a special exam called PTS. Again he succeed and get into primary 5 without going into primary 4. As usual he needs to sit for UPSR. Again he scored straight A's in UPSR. Seems a nice flow. He got offer from a science boarding school but he declined the offer.

Till he get into Secondary school, again life is like a roller coaster, sometimes up and sometimes down. Again his result drop like hell. Sorry for using the harsh word. Again he gets scolding and some "rattan" from his parents. He told me that it's a usual way of his parents to get him discipline. Well I guess thanks to his parents again he did a miracle in his PMR by getting straight 8 A's. Boy of luck. That's what people called him. Again he got another offer from the same boarding school and again he declined. Then in his high school phase he found a hard time to go through everything. However he knew that he is going to sit for SPM which will determine if he can achieve his so called ambition, a doctor. Yes again he made some miracle to score all A's but there's catch a B for biology. By getting a B for biology may wipe off all his hope to be a doctor. His teacher told him in Malay " Macam mana mau jadi doktor, Bio kamu B, percaya dengan cikgu, kamu takkan dapat punya" However he didn't give up his ambition. He applied every scholarship. He was rejected every time. His parents started to get upset because he is too stubborn for not giving up his dreams. It was until one day, a friend of him told him that there's a scholarship offer for a medical school in a place overseas. He applied and he got it. After all those hectic and depressing moment after his results.

Now that friend of mine is a 3rd year medical student. He went through hard time during his first year by repeating 2 subjects. Luckily he passed them in the summer exam. 2nd year he did better, he passed everything in one go. He is not excellent actually but what he always tell me and people is never give up with your dreams. Don't bother what people say. Go for your dream because you'll never know if your dreams will come true. His spirit should be an example to everyone.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Emas dan Permata

Apa kabar semua? Semoga sihat semuanya.

Hari ini saya ingin bercerita, bercerita mengenai sesuatu yang selalu kita tempuhi. Pernahkah saudara semua memiliki sesuatu yang saudara amat sayangi dan hargai? Ataupun pernahkah saudara menemui sesuatu yang saudara ingin sayangi dan hargai tetapi masih belum saudara miliki?

Saya yakin dan pasti kita semua pasti pernah menghadapi situasi sedemikian. Perkara ini merupakan perkara yang mudah. Bagi yang sudah kita miliki, pastikan kita hargai dan jaga benda itu dengan baik. Bagi yang kita belum miliki, usahalah untuk memilikinya. Agak mudah bukan? Bunyinya teramat mudah. Mungkin akan ada yang senyum sinis apabila membaca pengenalan paparan saya pada kali ini.

Namun, apa yang saya mahu cuba sentuh di sini adalah bagaimana pula keadaannya bila kita terpaksa melepaskan sesuatu yang kita sayang dan hargai? Tak kiralah apa benda, perhubungan, pangkat , dan lain-lain. Anda ingin memilikinya , berusaha memilikinya atau telah memilikinya, namun pada suatu hari anda sedar bahawa anda terpaksa melepaskan tangan ke atas benda tersebut atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Mungkin bukan nasib anda untuk memilikinya. Mungkin kesilapan anda menyebabkan anda terpaksa melepas tangan. Mungkin penganiyaan orang lain menyebabkan anda terpaksa melepas tangan. Semuanya keadaan berbeza namun konklusinya sama membawa kepada perbuatan melepaskan tangan yakni anda perlu merelakan benda itu bukan milik anda dan anda perlu terima hakikat bahawa benda itu milik orang lain.

Persoalannya di sini, bagaimanakah kita menangani keadaan ini? Melatah? Merungut? Melawan? Sedih? Atau Merelakannya? Terpulang pada diri sendiri. Tepuk dada, tanyalah apa-apa sahaja yang anda rasa patut. Apa yang penting kesan pada diri anda dan sekeliling anda. Anda perlu menghasilkan satu suasana yang baik kepada diri anda walaupun telah kehilangan sesuatu atau tidak dapat mencapai sesuatu. Ada mungkin yang mengatakan anda cepat putus asa. Namun, adakah anda ingin mengejar sesuatu yang anda sudah mendapat bayangan bahawa anda tidak mungkin memilikinya atau benda itu masih tertutup untuk anda? Bertindak bijak? Tidak mengejar tidak bermakna berputus asa, tetapi bermakna bertindak bijak untuk mencari persekitaran dan cara yang lebih baik untuk diri sendiri. Fikir-fikirkanlah saudara dan saudari yang bijaksana. Ini hanyalah sedikit coretan daripada insan yang kerdil.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Heart & Feelings

"I would ask all of you, how many of you really know about heart and feelings? How many of you dare to admit that you are a specialist in these things? I wouldn't admit too. Why? I am not a good person to be ask when it comes to all these feelings type of things. Looking at my tract record too, I don't have a really good tract records when it comes to feelings. I have to admit that I am not good in taking care of people feelings. I've been working on it time to time. However, sometimes I do feel that people aren't taking care of my feelings too. Why? I can't answer why? Sometimes I feel that I gave my best for someone, but I don't get any good things in return. Well that's life, you shouldn't ask for anything in return for what you did. That's what people usually say.

Experience of being hurt? Too many to say. Experience of hurting? Yes and it was a stupid one. I have to admit, I was so stupid to hurt her. Hurting someone who is really sincere to you just because of someone who hurt you at last. Regrets? Yes, regrets of whole life. I lost a good and sincere friend. I'll may find lots of friends in my life but not someone like her. Losing someone like her is a great loss for me. Seems like there's always something that stop me from seeing her. I do hope to see her again. I know I am not that so called loyal kind of person. I know that I don't deserve her even as a friend. I hope she'll forgive me. I no it's useless to say that."

story from a friend of mine, a really close friend of mine.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Out of difficulty makes miracle

Assalamualaikum dear friends,
After a short break from writing, at last, an idea suddenly struck out from my mind to write about: out of difficulty makes miracle. I still doubt to either write in English or in my beloved national language Bahasa Malaysia. However, since almost the whole world understand English better, I'll write in English. It's not that I am denying the importance of Bahasa Malaysia but it's just that I choose to write in English. If I have time, I'll write it's translation in Bahasa Malaysia.
Okay, we'll start to talk about the topic. It sounds nonsense right? How can difficulty causes miracle? Miracle? Does miracle ever happen in this world? I asked myself that question before. You should ask yourself if miracle will ever happen in this world? Big question mark for us? Maybe if we found the answer, it would change our life.
Enough with that confusing introduction. Let's see about difficulty. I have no doubt all of us had gone through at least some diffculties in our life. Don't be hypocrite and say you have never faced difficulties. Yes maybe some really never faced it, just like one of my friend who is always accompanied by his "luck". Ask yourself my dear friends, what would you do if you are facing difficulty or any obstacles in your life? Faced it, run away from it, settle it or even deny it? Any problem can come to us at anytime. It can be anything. It can be about your carrier, your love life, your friendship, your family and even it maybe just between you and yourself.
Obstacle or difficulty is not always a bad thing that will harm your life if you really know what you should do to handle it. I'll give you some examples. This are quite real examples where I have seen in my life. There's a student, who failed few subjects in his first year of studies. It was a very hard year for him. With that failure, he faced another obstacle where he lost his so called beloved girlfriend who left him for no reason. It seems so difficult right? I am doubting myself if I could go through this type of obstacle if it ever happen to me. However, this student, despite of being heart broken because of his failure and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, he told himself, he will prove to the others that he will never let these failures affect his new life and he will prove to the others he will manage to go through his second year without failing. Yes, everyone including his very own family doubt his ability when he failed, but he prove to everyone that he can do miracle by passing his second year with flying colours.
Well here it shows that, miracles can happen anytime in one condition which is you must work for it. Miracles will never come just like a rolling ball. What I would like to say here is never give up if you are tested with obstacles in your life. You should work a way out to handle and go through all the difficulties in your life. No one can help you if you don't help yourself. No one can motivate you if you don't motivate yourself. No one can change you if you don't change with your own will. So, let us together work hard to achieve our goal and change towards the better side.
"For him are (angels) taking turns (on end) even before him and even behind him, preserving hi from the command of Allah. Surely Allah does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves; and when Allah wills (to inflict) an odious (treatment) on a people, then there is no turning back for it; and apart from Him, in no way do they have any patron." -Surah Ar-Ra'd phrase 11-
That's all for now.
Salam 1 Malaysia, Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan

Friday, 24 July 2009

Goodbye Egypt for 3 months


Thanks God I pass my exam with the gred :GOOD. So this means I am going back to Malaysia. 25th July 2009 4:50am MS 968 Egypt Air...

Sunday, 28 June 2009

The Reason

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things
I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why I need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Bila Terasa Rindu

Apa agaknya khabarmu disana?
Disini ku sering dibelenggu rindu
Beginikah rasa seksa perpisahan
Sungguh anehnya hidup berasingan

Hati terasa bagai tertinggal di situ
Meski pun tubuh dah jauh beribu batu
Sesaat seperti setahun lamanya
Semasa kau tiada
Apa yang terdaya...

Bila terasa rindu ku sebut namamu
Dengan harapan kau kan muncul dalam tidur
Bila terasa rindu ku bayang wajahmu dalam angan
Dan barulah ku terasa bagai disembuh..

Oh.. Jauh sekali hidup disini berbeza
Beribu kali lagi ku selesa di sana
Tak sabar menanti detik kepulangan
Namun hingga itu
Apa yang termampu

Terlintas di fikiran untuk meminggirkan saja
Semua pencarian di sini
Tetapi ini sebahagian dari pengorbanan
Bekalan andainya hari sukar mencabar...

Bila terasa rindu ku sebut namamu
Dengan harapan kau akan muncul dalam tidur
Bila terasa rindu ku bayang wajahmu dalam angan
Dan barulah ku terasa bagai disembuh...

Assalamualaikum kepada semua pembaca, kali ini saya akan menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia pula sebagai salah satu cara untuk tanda memartabatkan Bahasa Kebangsaan kita.

Seperti biasa saya gemar untuk memulakan tulisan saya dengan puisi atau lagu, bukan bermaksud saya jiwang atau asyik dan leka dengan bahan ciptaan manusia, namun saya lebih selesa untuk memandang sesuatu dengan positif. Walau bagaimanapun, terpulanglah kepada para pembaca untuk menilai tulisan dan diri saya kerana saya tidak berhak untuk menilai diri saya.

Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah kerana saya masih diberi nikmatnya untuk terus berjuang di muka bumi ini. Musim peperiksaan di tanah orang memang amat berbeza berbanding di tanah air sendiri, amat tinggi dugaan dan cabarannya. Pada saat inilah, selalunya kita sedar betapa bertuahnya kita dahulu yang selalu berada di sisi ibu bapa dan keluarga yang sering menjaga kita sepanjang masa tanpa sebarang keluhan dan tanpa meminta sebarang harapan. Serius saya katakan di sini, ada di antara pelajar di luar negara yang tidak pernah menjejakkan kaki ke dapur mahupun mengenali mesin pembasuh bajuh apatah lagi cara membasuh baju secara manual semasa di Malaysia.

Syukur, kerana apabila saya berpijak di bumi Mesir ini, saya perlu menjejakkan kaki ke dapur, membasuh pakaian sendiri, menggosok baju sendiri dan banyak lagi rutin harian yang sebelum ini tak perlu dilakukan di Malaysia. Hal ini termasuklah berjalan kaki ke perhentian bas untuk menaiki bas ke kuliah, berjalan kaki untuk membeli barang keperluan dan banyak lagi perkara yang kita boleh lakukan dengan kereta sendiri di Malaysia. Namun, berkat doa dan semangat daripada ibu bapa , keluarga , dan rakan-rakan saya masih mampu untuk mengharungi semua di sini.

Walaupun penat, walaupun sebelum ini saya mungkin boleh dikategorikan sebagai anak manja, walaupun ada suara-suara sumbang yang mungkin mengeluarkan kata-kata yang boleh melemahkan semangat, namun saya berjanji pada diri saya saya akan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencapai visi dan misi saya di sini. Saya berjanji pada diri saya bahawa saya akan membawa pencarian saya di sini kembali pada malaysia pada tahun 2013 untuk memberi khidmat dan bakti kepada rakyat Malaysia khususnya Sabah.

Persoalannya di sini, sepanjang perjuangan dan pencarian, saya yakin bukan hanya saya, tetapi juga para pejuang-pejuang lain juga sering dibelenggu perasaan rindu. Lagu Bila Terasa Rindu telah membangkitkan rasa ingin menulis saya, kerana saya yakin semua pernah rasa rindu, macam-macam jenis rindu seperti rindu pada ibu bapa, keluarga, rakan mahupun kekasih. Rindu merupakan hak masing-masing, tetapi saya lebih gemar rindu kepada ibu bapa dan keluarga saya, kerana mereka amat jauh dari saya. Kalau saya inginkan kawan, saya ada kawan di sini. Kalau saya impikan kekasih hati, kekasih hati pula belum ada. Saya hanya mempunyai alasan yang kukuh untuk merindui ibu bapa dan keluarga saya. Namun, seperti saya katakan, terpulang pada pembaca untuk rindu pada sesiapa, semua itu merupakan hak kalian. Bukan maksud saya untuk menjadi hipokrit, saya pernah juga rasa rindu dengan rakan dan juga kepada “kekasih hati” saya, tetapi dalam konteks sebagai pelajar yang hidup jauh di luar negara, saya rasa lebih manis untuk menyebut dan menyentuh tentang rindu kepada keluarga.

Dalam hidup saya, saya pernah mendengar luahan dari rakan-rakan bahawa mereka amat rindu dengan keluarga mereka mahupun orang yang tersayang. Apa yang saya boleh katakan kepada mereka hanya, sabar dan masa untuk kembali ke Malaysia tidak lama lagi. Hanya perkataan sabar mampu ku ucapkan, di samping mencuba untuk memberi suasana keluarga kepada mereka. Sekiranya ada yang meminta bantuan saya di sini, saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk membantu mereka , kerana saya faham bahawa keadaan jauh dari keluarga memang amat berbeza. Saya amat memahami keadaan ini kerana yang meluah pada saya ada yang datang dari golongan pelajar elit yang memang sudah biasa tinggal di asrama. Kalau pelajar-pelajar ini pun merindu, apa lagi bagi mereka yang sudah biasa tinggal bersama keluarga seperti saya sendiri yang hanya bersekolah di sekolah harian selama 10 tahun persekolahan di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah.

Jalan penyelesaiannya hanyalah dengan “mind set” diri kita. Ingatlah apa tujuan kita ke sini, betapa sukarnya perjuangan kita dan orang-orang di Malaysia untuk membolehkan kita menjejakkan kaki di menara gading. 10 atau 11 tahun di sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah, jangan disia-siakan penat lelah yang lalu kerana kesukaran sekarang. 6 tahun untuk semua pelajar perubatan dan 4 tahun untuk pelajar pengajian Islam untuk menyelesaikan tugas mereka menuntut di sini untuk memperoleh MBBCh atau B.A. sebagai simbolik kelayakan mereka untuk berbakti kepada agama , bangsa , dan negara. Ingatlah wajah-wajah mereka yang menghantar kita di lapangan terbang suatu masa dulu. Ingatlah mereka yang bersusah payah membesarkan kita tanpa sebarang keluhan. Balaslah jasa mereka dengan belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh di sini. Kalau nak dibalas dengan wang ringgit, tentu tak akan dapat membalas 100% dan macam mana nak dibalas dengan wang ringgit sekiranya kita yang sering berkata, “ Mak/ Ayah, saya dah tak ada duit, hantar la duit cepat”. Tepuk dada, tanyalah minda.

Sekiranya kita mempunyai kemampuan dan kelapangan rajinkanlah diri, ringankanlah tulang untuk menghubungi mereka. Ingatlah wahai rakan-rakan, siapa yang patut diutamakan? Ibu bapa kita atau “kekasih hati” kita yang masih kabur masa depan bersamanya? Tanya diri sendiri kerana saya sendiri pun kadang-kadang terhanyut dengan perkara ini. Bukan maksud saya untuk tunjuk kehebatan diri saya di sini atau ke”alim”an saya di sini namun hanya sekadar perkongsian bersama semua kerana saya sedar diri saya masih lemah dan tidak mempunyai perwatakan yang alim dengan rambut pacak saya tetapi bagi saya tidak mengapa asalkan saya sentiasa berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri saya dan berusaha menjauhkan diri daripada perkara-perkara dosa.

Akhir kalam, tujuan utama saya menulis pada kali ini hanya untuk mengajak pembaca supaya bersabar walaupun dengan berbagai dugaan semasa memperjuangkan sesuatu seperti perasaan rindu yang membuak ketika menuntut di luar negara.

“Demi masa ssesungguhnya manusia kerugian melainkan mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan menasihati tentang kebenaran dan kesabaran”

–Surah Al-Asr–

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Letter from........

Yahoooooooooooo for the first time in Egypt

today i receive a letter from Malaysia....

and it's from both papa n mami for my coming birthday, it's a birthday card.. thank you very much... love and miss u.

two years in a row celebrating my birthday away from home, last year was after exam, this year is going to be during exam.

Last year got a great surprise from someone, but this year that someone is not that someone anymore. thank you for the surprise anyway, I really appreciate it. BSA.....

Hope this year results will serves as a good present for my birthday..

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Criteria of Future spouse


It's examination month now. Yes indeed it's a busy period now, but I'll try to take some of my hectic precious time to write. Since there is a saying all work no play make jack a dull boy.. Something like that I think. I would like to talk about an interesting topic which I want to share to everyone today. Criteria of future spouse. Well , I am talking about this doesn't mean that I am crazy of it. It's just a sharing for everyone.

What is the criteria of a future spouse that I wish to have. I won't touch from religious perspective because I would like to leave this to people who know better. First of all, can't be denied is the way she look like. This doesn't mean than I want a great top model. Just a moderate one. It's human's nature to love nice and beautiful things. Secondly, I would like someone who can understand Chinese culture and can live with it. Which may mean a Chinese or a half Chinese. Why do I want this? Both my moms are Chinese, so want it or not you have to live with it. I don't want to create any havoc just because of different culture or style. Is it impossible for me to get a Chinese or half Chinese spouse? I don't think it's impossible. Both my father did it. :) Just an option, not obligatory to be Chinese. *preferably*

After that, she must understand my life an my career. Being a future doctor by God's will , of course I'll have different lifestyle from the others so I don't want her to feel bad about this. Maybe only a doctor can understand a doctor. Haha. Well, next, I hope she can support me in everything I do, remind me when I am wrong and work together with me to get a great success. Behind every successful Man is a woman. Haha.

Well, lastly and most importantly, she must be a family kind of woman. Why? Staying with my parents is my plan in future. They did too many things for me. There's no way to pay back their kindness towards me besides being with them all the time. My spouse should understand this too and I won't forget your family too. Without our parents we are nothing. No matter how successful you are, never forget your parents, you'll never be greater than them because they are your first teacher. You can't pay back what they have done to you even by giving your life to them.

Enough for today, such a meaningless post..
* just writing about it doesn't mean I already have found the person*

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Psychology Conference

Assalamualaikum My dear readers,

On the 7th of April, I was selected by the faculty to represent Malaysian Medical Students of Ain Shams University to give a talk on Object Perception and Recognition. It was a great honour to me for being the only Malaysian to speak on that day.

It started with an invitation from the faculty. I received an invitation card from Dr. Mohd Amr. He called me for a few times before he reached me. Well the time wasn't right. I was in the class everytime he called. When called me he addressed me as Dr. Wan Sherhan. I don't think deserve that for now. It's still too early to call me that although it is like a usual thing here. It was stated in the invitation card too... Hopefully people can really call me that by the end of 2013.

invitation card

Okay, finish about the invitation part. On that meaningful day itself, I went to the conference with Azmie and Abang Firdaus(Pindoy). We drove a car there. Well, I was quite touched to see my first year junior rushed to the conference after their class. I really appreciate it. Thanks to Nini, Inn, Dina and It. Thanks for your support all the way. Well, for 2nd year only Azmie turn up. Thank you Azmie. My groupmates, although you don't turn up, I understand it was quite late, thank for your support it. I do hope someone appear that day but she just doesn't turn up. Maybe she just didn't know about it. One thing I do hope but it didn't happen that day was to have my parents there. Both Papa and Both Mami, I would like to show you that your son, at last, did something well. Although I dissapointed you last year, Papa and Mami, this year I'll try my best to not to dissapoint you again. I won't be back till I succeed 2nd year..

After everything was done, we went to have our dinner in a Chinese Restaurant here.
Thanks to everyone for their support.
Proud to be a Malaysian. Malaysia BOLEH!! Allahuakhbar!!

Monday, 30 March 2009


Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu kau pernah berjanji pada mereka?

Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu kau pernah memungkiri janjimu pada mereka?

Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu kau pernah menghampakan mereka?

Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu kau pernah buat mereka menangis?

Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu, kau pernah buat mereka gembira?

Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu, kau pernah buat mereka tertawa?

Masihkah kau ingat,
Suatu masa dulu, kau pernah berjanji yang kau tak akan kecewakan mereka lagi?


Adakah kau sedar,
Apa yang kau buat selama ini bukanlah janji kau pada mereka?

Adakah kau sedar,
Apa yang kau buat selama ini hanyalah palsu semuanya?

Adakah kau sedar,
Apa yang kau buat selama ini hanyalah mengkhianati harapan mereka pada mu?

Adakah kau sedar,
Apa yang kau buat selama ini hanyalah menghanyutkan dirimu di awang-awangan?

Masa sudah tidak banyak lagi.

Banyak lagi yang perlu kau kejarkan.

Dari mimpi-mimpi mu yang hanya akan tinggal sebagai mimpi.

Banyak lagi tanggungjawab mu kepada agama, bangsa, dan negara.

Janganlah mengulangi kesalahan lama lagi!

Berubahlah ke arah kebaikan dan bukan sebaliknya!

dan Sedar dan Sedarlah!
Apa tujuanmu berada di tempat yang kau berada sekarang!

Sedarlah wahai engkau!
Walau apa pun yang pernah dan akan terjadi,
Kau tetap harapan mereka.

Berusahalah wahai engkau!
Janganlah sia-siakan harapan mereka!

Berusahala wahai engkau!
Jauhkanlah dirimu daripada anasir-anasir yang melekakan dirimu!
Jauhkanlah dirimu daripada anasir-anasir yang akan melemahkan dirimu!

Berusahalah wahai engkau!
Ke arah Misi dan Visimu yang kau janji akan kau capai,
Dalam tempoh yang telah diberikan.

Kaulah harapan,
Kaulah harapan,
Kaulah harapan mereka.

Friday, 20 March 2009

More Than Words

More Than Words

Saying I love you,

Is not the words I want to hear from you

It's not that I want you

Not to say, but if you only knew

How easy it would be to show me how you feel

More than words is all you have to do to make it real

Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me

Cos I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two

More than words to show you feel

That your love for me is real

What would you say if I took those words away

Then you couldn't make things new

Just by saying I love you

More than words

Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand

All you have to do is close your eyes

And just reach out your hands and touch me

Hold me close don't ever let me go

More than words is all I ever needed you to show

Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me

Cos I'd already know

What would you do if my heart was torn in two

More than words to show you feel

That your love for me is real

What would you say if I took those words away

Then you couldn't make things new

Just by saying I love you

Yes this is a love song but if you know how to take the good points from it, it can help you in your life. More than words it's all you have to do to make it real and that's true because in this world, you can only count on words.

Everyone can say, but not everyone can do.

Every Muslim can say they love Allah but how many of you my dear friends who do something more than words to show that you love Allah. Show it by doing good deeds and by following all HIS instruction. By HIS will, we'll get a great payback.

Everyone can say that you love your parents, but how many of you present your love to your parents by action? When was the last time you called them? Who do you call more? You parents or someone else? Question for me and for all of you.

Everyone can say that you love someone, but how many of you do really show it in action? How many of you do really appreciate the one that you love? The greatest relieve for a human being is appreciation. Appreciation in action not only words.

Everyone can say I can do this job or this is just an easy task, but how many of you that really do it? Or are you just wasting your saliva by talking big but acting small?

Everyone can give a task to someone by saying it is a simple job, but how many of you had tried doing it before giving the task to someone else? Or are you just pushing your job to the others and at last you'll get the fame?

In conclusion, all you have to do is totally more than words.

Show and act like how you love Allah.
Show and act like how you love your parents.
Show and act like how you love your career/studies.
Show and act like how you love your love ones.
Show and act like how you love and how you can do your job.
Show and act like a great leader and at the same do your work together with your follower.

By just saying or by just giving words, it won't give any effect. So, show your feelings, your ambitions and your will in action. Sometimes people will feel appreciated by your action more than your words.

That's all and it's all up to you think about it.

If you want to be successful than more than words is all you have to do.

Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

What will you do if you faced this situation? Whatever it is, once you've picked the road taken, there will be no turning back. You have to struggle till the end without bothering the consequences that you'll face. This is because in the end it is yourself who is going to celebrate your success or grieve your own failure. Do your best to achieve your goal although some may think it is not the right way.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Is the past so hard to be forgotten?

Is the past so hard to be forgotten?

Because of the past, we may be happy= dont' need to forget and use it as a motivation
Because of the past, we are sad= must forget
Because of the past, we hurt the person now= forget the past & appreciate the present

How many of us can follow the formula above? It's always the opposite of it. We tend to forget lot of sweet memories, but remember the sad ones. We tend to think about sad things which makes us lose our motivation to do anything. This is wrong. How many of us can avoid this? Lots of us will not obey the formula above including the writer himself. This is just because our own feelings overcome our mind.

Lastly, sometimes because of the past, we tend to hurt the people now (present). Come on, we need to learn to forget the past and appreciate the present. If this can't be done, it will be a chain and a cycle. Because of someone's past I was hurt and because of my past someone is hurt. It will go on just like that. Hoping for the past to come back? It's normal but it is for yourself to think if it is worth to do it? I am also asking myself that question.

In conclusion, we need to learn to let go and forget things that are supposed to be forgotten. This will make your life better and more peaceful

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

17 May 2009

17 May 2009, 17 degree Celsius quite cold.

What a long day in University today. From 8 am till 3:30pm. However, I am quite glad that my last task as a presenter for the presentation in my University for this year ended today. It's not praising myself, but I am quite glad that at last I presented psychology well and fluently. Hearing the word "excellent" from your Professor is a satisfaction.

Some may say I am gifted or what to do presentation. However in my opinion, everyone can be trained to do that. I was exposed to this kind of situation since my kindergarten life. Thanks to my mom who was my first teacher to give a speech. Without you, I may not have this kind of experience. It is undeniable that talking in front of people needs a great guts. However, train yourself, tell yourself you can do it. You'll need public communication skill when you are entering the working phase in your life. Especially doctors, you should learn how to present yourself to your patient so that they can build a strong confident on you. Public speaking is really fun. Starting as a representative to give a speech during my kindergarten graduation then joining story telling, public speaking for MTQ, and lastly debate in my high school. In God's Will, I will continue all these till the end.
That's all for today.

Pic in memory...

All saints debate 2nd round defeating Sekolah Menengah Sains SABAH

answering point of information

won the final but it wasn't that good. Did not performed well

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Love what you have but not to have what you Love

Love what you have but not to have what you Love.....

Such a confusing topic for me to discuss. Maybe it does happen to almost all of us, so that is why I decide to discuss about it.

Yes, sometimes, we may face a situation where we love something so much that we want to have it. It's not wrong to fight and work to get what we love. We are always taught to work hard and to give 100% commitment to aim for our goals which are actually what we love. However the harder we work and the more we give the higher the risk to fail and to get hurt. So we have to be prepared at anytime to accept the fact the things that we love are not meant to be ours. This will make yourself well prepared mentally and physically to go through the ups and down in our life. I am saying this because I've been through all these before. Disappointment and getting hurt are normal in life. That is why you have to learn to "Love what you have but not to have what you Love".

Yes, in achieving what we want, sometimes we don't realise that we have something good around us, which maybe not as good as what we want to achieve but it is still good. Sometimes we tend to forget and to not appreciate what is around us just because we are trying to get something. It is because we give too much of ourselves to that particular "object" until we neglect other "objects" that are as good as the one that we are trying to have. Yes , it is undeniable for a human being to aim high and to get something better. That is why I want to stress it out that "Love what you have but not to have what you Love" is not applicable in every situation. However in some situation you have to hold to this principle. Try to learn to apply it in some situations. It is all up to you to decide. To Love what you have now, or to go for what you Love but you are still not convinced to achieved it.

*Actually this topic do bother me to do some decisions*

Monday, 23 February 2009

~Creating a new Sherhan

While I am writing this, I am surrounded with lots of feelings. Happy,sad,excited,down and etc. However I have to accept the fact that exam is near that I have to put aside everything including side activities, homesick, love, laziness, excessive sleep and many more things that will disturb my studies. Now, study mode should be on.

What happen last year should not happen this year. Things beside me and things that go together with me should bring me to my success and not bring me down. I should not thing too much besides study. Learn from your mistake and don't take your success as something that will stop you from doing better. Learn something until you really know it. Never make any obstacles as an excuse to stop you from achieving your goals.

Now, other things are not that important to me anymore. Just enjoy my study.

Friday, 16 January 2009

At last

After sometimes not updating my blog, I think it's time for me to update it. Although exam is on the 18th, I'll spend some of my precious time to write something here. Well, it seems that I am going back to Malaysia again after exam. Quite fast after my last return to Malaysia. I hope after I am back from Malaysia, I'll be back to Egypt with a better spirit and high determination to get through all of these here, but don't worry everything is fine here. I am enjoying all of it here. That's all for now, pray for the best.