
Monday, 31 August 2009

Emas dan Permata

Apa kabar semua? Semoga sihat semuanya.

Hari ini saya ingin bercerita, bercerita mengenai sesuatu yang selalu kita tempuhi. Pernahkah saudara semua memiliki sesuatu yang saudara amat sayangi dan hargai? Ataupun pernahkah saudara menemui sesuatu yang saudara ingin sayangi dan hargai tetapi masih belum saudara miliki?

Saya yakin dan pasti kita semua pasti pernah menghadapi situasi sedemikian. Perkara ini merupakan perkara yang mudah. Bagi yang sudah kita miliki, pastikan kita hargai dan jaga benda itu dengan baik. Bagi yang kita belum miliki, usahalah untuk memilikinya. Agak mudah bukan? Bunyinya teramat mudah. Mungkin akan ada yang senyum sinis apabila membaca pengenalan paparan saya pada kali ini.

Namun, apa yang saya mahu cuba sentuh di sini adalah bagaimana pula keadaannya bila kita terpaksa melepaskan sesuatu yang kita sayang dan hargai? Tak kiralah apa benda, perhubungan, pangkat , dan lain-lain. Anda ingin memilikinya , berusaha memilikinya atau telah memilikinya, namun pada suatu hari anda sedar bahawa anda terpaksa melepaskan tangan ke atas benda tersebut atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Mungkin bukan nasib anda untuk memilikinya. Mungkin kesilapan anda menyebabkan anda terpaksa melepas tangan. Mungkin penganiyaan orang lain menyebabkan anda terpaksa melepas tangan. Semuanya keadaan berbeza namun konklusinya sama membawa kepada perbuatan melepaskan tangan yakni anda perlu merelakan benda itu bukan milik anda dan anda perlu terima hakikat bahawa benda itu milik orang lain.

Persoalannya di sini, bagaimanakah kita menangani keadaan ini? Melatah? Merungut? Melawan? Sedih? Atau Merelakannya? Terpulang pada diri sendiri. Tepuk dada, tanyalah apa-apa sahaja yang anda rasa patut. Apa yang penting kesan pada diri anda dan sekeliling anda. Anda perlu menghasilkan satu suasana yang baik kepada diri anda walaupun telah kehilangan sesuatu atau tidak dapat mencapai sesuatu. Ada mungkin yang mengatakan anda cepat putus asa. Namun, adakah anda ingin mengejar sesuatu yang anda sudah mendapat bayangan bahawa anda tidak mungkin memilikinya atau benda itu masih tertutup untuk anda? Bertindak bijak? Tidak mengejar tidak bermakna berputus asa, tetapi bermakna bertindak bijak untuk mencari persekitaran dan cara yang lebih baik untuk diri sendiri. Fikir-fikirkanlah saudara dan saudari yang bijaksana. Ini hanyalah sedikit coretan daripada insan yang kerdil.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Heart & Feelings

"I would ask all of you, how many of you really know about heart and feelings? How many of you dare to admit that you are a specialist in these things? I wouldn't admit too. Why? I am not a good person to be ask when it comes to all these feelings type of things. Looking at my tract record too, I don't have a really good tract records when it comes to feelings. I have to admit that I am not good in taking care of people feelings. I've been working on it time to time. However, sometimes I do feel that people aren't taking care of my feelings too. Why? I can't answer why? Sometimes I feel that I gave my best for someone, but I don't get any good things in return. Well that's life, you shouldn't ask for anything in return for what you did. That's what people usually say.

Experience of being hurt? Too many to say. Experience of hurting? Yes and it was a stupid one. I have to admit, I was so stupid to hurt her. Hurting someone who is really sincere to you just because of someone who hurt you at last. Regrets? Yes, regrets of whole life. I lost a good and sincere friend. I'll may find lots of friends in my life but not someone like her. Losing someone like her is a great loss for me. Seems like there's always something that stop me from seeing her. I do hope to see her again. I know I am not that so called loyal kind of person. I know that I don't deserve her even as a friend. I hope she'll forgive me. I no it's useless to say that."

story from a friend of mine, a really close friend of mine.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Out of difficulty makes miracle

Assalamualaikum dear friends,
After a short break from writing, at last, an idea suddenly struck out from my mind to write about: out of difficulty makes miracle. I still doubt to either write in English or in my beloved national language Bahasa Malaysia. However, since almost the whole world understand English better, I'll write in English. It's not that I am denying the importance of Bahasa Malaysia but it's just that I choose to write in English. If I have time, I'll write it's translation in Bahasa Malaysia.
Okay, we'll start to talk about the topic. It sounds nonsense right? How can difficulty causes miracle? Miracle? Does miracle ever happen in this world? I asked myself that question before. You should ask yourself if miracle will ever happen in this world? Big question mark for us? Maybe if we found the answer, it would change our life.
Enough with that confusing introduction. Let's see about difficulty. I have no doubt all of us had gone through at least some diffculties in our life. Don't be hypocrite and say you have never faced difficulties. Yes maybe some really never faced it, just like one of my friend who is always accompanied by his "luck". Ask yourself my dear friends, what would you do if you are facing difficulty or any obstacles in your life? Faced it, run away from it, settle it or even deny it? Any problem can come to us at anytime. It can be anything. It can be about your carrier, your love life, your friendship, your family and even it maybe just between you and yourself.
Obstacle or difficulty is not always a bad thing that will harm your life if you really know what you should do to handle it. I'll give you some examples. This are quite real examples where I have seen in my life. There's a student, who failed few subjects in his first year of studies. It was a very hard year for him. With that failure, he faced another obstacle where he lost his so called beloved girlfriend who left him for no reason. It seems so difficult right? I am doubting myself if I could go through this type of obstacle if it ever happen to me. However, this student, despite of being heart broken because of his failure and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, he told himself, he will prove to the others that he will never let these failures affect his new life and he will prove to the others he will manage to go through his second year without failing. Yes, everyone including his very own family doubt his ability when he failed, but he prove to everyone that he can do miracle by passing his second year with flying colours.
Well here it shows that, miracles can happen anytime in one condition which is you must work for it. Miracles will never come just like a rolling ball. What I would like to say here is never give up if you are tested with obstacles in your life. You should work a way out to handle and go through all the difficulties in your life. No one can help you if you don't help yourself. No one can motivate you if you don't motivate yourself. No one can change you if you don't change with your own will. So, let us together work hard to achieve our goal and change towards the better side.
"For him are (angels) taking turns (on end) even before him and even behind him, preserving hi from the command of Allah. Surely Allah does not change what is in a people until they change what is in themselves; and when Allah wills (to inflict) an odious (treatment) on a people, then there is no turning back for it; and apart from Him, in no way do they have any patron." -Surah Ar-Ra'd phrase 11-
That's all for now.
Salam 1 Malaysia, Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan