
Wednesday, 24 November 2010


How do you take failure in your life? Have you ever think why do you fail? Have you ever think how to get up from a failure. Everyone must have failed before in their life. I bet there's no one who is too perfect until he or she never failed even once. I failed too many time. How many of us take failure as a path towards success? How many of us kept ourselves in failure and never try to climb out of this "Great Wall of Failure"?

We can see people complaining and blaming others when they fail. We also can see people who lose hope when they fail. Some of them even don't care when they fail. It's not the matter of failing or success but it is the matter of how we cope with failure. How do we deal with it? Do you want to get up every time you fall? Or you'll just give up because you feel like it's the end of the world? What is important is when you fail, you are willing to struggle harder to do your responsibility to achieve your dreams. Learn from your mistakes and try to correct them. Some know that they are wrong, but they just don't want to change their style.

How many of us dare to fail? Sometimes failing is good if you know how to get up. At least in future when you fail, you know how to deal with it. For those who never failed, maybe it will be something hard to go through once you fail. In this world, you can't give up. Believe that Allah is always with us.

Failure is a lesson from Allah. It has a great meaning behind it. It maybe also as a punishment for your sins towards Allah and also sins among human. I know my failure is because I neglect my responsibility towards Allah and also being sinful for hurting people's feeling. Here , I would like to apologize to everyone who I've hurt before, I seek for your forgiveness. Once again, I hope this lesson will be my last and serve as a great lesson for me.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Rumah Terbuka Aidiladha.

On the 19th November 2010 , we organized Aidiladha Open House. About 300 over people came. Thank you for your support.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Salam Aidiladha


Kunjungan Hormat Kepada Duta Besar Malaysia Ke Mesir

Pada 14 November 2010, pihak kami telah mengadakan kunjungan hormat kepada Tuan Yang Terutama Duta Besar Malaysia Ke Mesir Professor Madya Dr. Fakhruddin Bin Abdul Mukhti. Pelbagai isu telah dibincang bersama TYT Prof. Semoga kunjungan ini akan menguatkan lagi hubungan kami dengan Kedutaan Besar Malaysia Kaherah.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Youth, where is your spirit?

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

Setelah sekian lama menyepi akhirnya saya dapat meluangkan sedikit masa untuk mencoret sedikit pendapat saya di blog ini. Pada hari ini, saya ingin menyentuh sedikit mengenai semangat perjuangan pemuda-pemudi terutamanya mereka yang bertakrif Melayu/Bumiputera.

Ke mana perginya semangat nenek moyang kita? Perjuangan mereka? Wasiat mereka? Adakah kerana kita merasa diri kita pada masa kini lebih intelektual, kita ketepikan semangat, perjuangan dan wasiat mereka? Negara kita negara berbilang kaum, perpaduan amat perlu tetapi hak tetap perlu dipertahankan. Namun, adakah kerana hak kita , kita menjadi lalai dan merasa selesa? Hak kita adalah berdasarkan perlembagaan. Tidak mustahil perlembagaan ini akan digubal sekiranya kita tidak mempertahankan hak kita? Keselesaan dan kealpaan kita telah menyebabkan kita lalai dan tidak mengambil peduli tentang perjuangan kita. Mungkin kita hanya terfikir untuk menjadi kaya, berpangkat tinggi, dan hidup selesa tanpa memikirkan perjuangan asal kita...

Adakah perjuangan bangsa Melayu ini adalah perjuangan kaum semata-mata? Perjuangan Melayu bukan perjuangan Islam? Fikirkanlah, siapakah Islam di negara kita? Kaum mana yang menjadi simbol kepada Islam di negara kita? Apakah takrif kepada Melayu mengikut perlembagaan dalam pekara 160(2)? 

  1. Seorang yang beragama Islam
  2. Bertutur bahasa Melayu
  3. Mengamalkan adat istiadat Melayu

Janganlah kita terpedaya dengan kata-kata muslihat pihak yang hanya perjuangan untuk kepentingan sendiri. Perjuangan untuk menaikkan diri sendiri, malah ada juga pihak yang sanggup mengetepikan perjuangan asal mereka hanya untuk nampak berkuasa dan juga pihak yang nyata dan jelas sekali ingin menafikan hak kita.

Bayangkan sekiranya kita tersilap langkah, manakah arah tujuan kita? Apabila kita kehilangan kuasa? Mahukah kita kembali ke era penjajahan dahulu? Sejarah mungkin berulang dengan kaedah yang berbeza? Kita sudah tidak mampu lagi menikmati apa yang kita nikmati sekarang. Pemuda dan pemudi Melayu sudah tidak mendapat kelebihan dalam meneruskan pengajian dalam peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Tiada lagi bantuan, tiada lagi pinjaman, tiada lagi biasiswa. Hanya kerana kita tersilap langkah termakan kata-kata, gula-gula pihak yang tidak ikhlas dan hanya ingin mencari kepentingan peribadi.

Sedarlah wahai bangsaku, sedarlah wahai pemuda dan pemudi, sedarlah wahai Melayu, kita sudah tidak boleh dalam keadaan selesa lagi. Tuntutlah ilmu, jadilah orang yang cemerlang dan yang paling penting bersatulah. Mengapa kita harus menolak perpaduan? Perpaduan sesama bangsa dan agama yang niat dan tujuannya baik.

Berusahalah untuk mengubah nasib bangsa kita, berusaha gigihlah pada jalan yang benar. Saya merayu pada semua pemuda dan pemudi.

"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah apa apa yang pada diri mereka ” QS 13:11"

Hayatilah makna tersirat lirik lagu ini, bukanlah perkauman tetapi semangat kita.

Anak kecil main api
Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
Airmata darah bercampur keringat
Bumi dipijak milik orang

Nenek moyang kaya raya
Tergadai seluruh harta benda
Akibat sengketa sesama kita
Cinta lenyap di arus zaman

Indahnya bumi kita ini
Warisan berkurun lamanya
Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain
Pribumi merintis sendiri

Masa depan sungguh kelam
Kan lenyap peristiwa semalam
Tertutup hati terkunci mati
Maruah peribadi dah hilang

Kini kita cuma tinggal kuasa
Yang akan menentukan bangsa
Bersatulah hati bersama berbakti
Pulih kembali harga diri

Kita sudah tiada masa
Majulah dengan maha perkasa
Janganlah terlalai teruskan usaha
Melayu kan gagah di Nusantara
Melayu kan gagah di Nusantara
Melayu kan gagah di Nusantara!

Sekian Wassalamualaikum W.B.T.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The New Hippocratic oath (2010 AD)

  • I promise that my medical knowledge will be used to benefit people’s health. Patients are my first concern. I will listen to them, and provide the best care I can. I will be honest, respectful, and compassionate towards all.
  • I will do my best to help anyone in medical need, in emergencies. I will make every effort to ensure the rights of all patients are respected, including vulnerable groups who lack of making their needs known.
  • I will exercise my professional judgment, uninfluenced by political or religious pressure, or the age, race, sexual orientation, social class, wealth, or celebrity of my patient. I will not put profit or my own career above my duty to patient.
  • I recognize the special value of human life, but I also know that prolonging life is not the only aim of health care. If I agree to perform abortion, I agree it should take place only within an ethical and legal context.
  • I will not provide treatments that are pointless or harmful, or which an informed and competent patient refuses. I will help patients find the information and support they want to make decisions on their care.
  • I will be as truthful as I can, and respect patients’ decisions, unless that puts others at risk of substantial harm. If I cannot agree with teir requests, I will explain why.
  • If my patient has limited mental awareness, I will still encourage him or her to participate in decisions as much as they feel able. I will do my best to maintain confidentiality about all patients.
  • If there are overriding reasons preventing my keeping a patient’s confidentiality I will explain them. I will recognize the limits of my knowledge and seek advice from colleagues as needed.
  • I will do my best to keep my self and my colleagues informed of new developments, and ensure that poor standards or bad practices are exposed to those who can improve them.
  • I will show respect for all those with whom I work and be ready to share my knowledge by teaching others what I know. I will use my training and professional standing to improve the community which I work.
  • I will respect each of my roles, as expert, communicator, scholar, partner, manager, teacher, professional, and health advocate. I will promote fair use of health resources and try to influence positively those whose policies harm public health.
  • I recognise that I have responsibilities to humankind that transcend diktats and orders of States, and which no Legislature can countermand. I will oppose health policies that breach internationally accepted standards of human rights.
  • I will learn from my mistakes and seek help from colleagues to promote patient safety. While keeping within this framework, I will not be discouraged by failure, and will try to continue in a spirit of practical and rational optimism.
  • While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the Art, respected by all, in all times.